Swiss - Famous in Producing Chocolate

2010年8月15日 星期日

Why Is Swiss Chocolate the Best
This question is frequently asked by public, where it brings the Swiss chocolate industry with pride. It is a fact that the products of the Swiss chocolate industry produced the most compare to the entire world. The high quality of Swiss chocolate is due to a number of factors. What is decisive is the perfect quality of raw materials and state-of-the-art manufacturing methods combined with the strict quality requirements to be satisfied by the intermediate products. Not to forget the optimal processing into finished products and highly skilled personnel.

What Exactly Is Swiss Chocolate
"Swiss chocolate" is a chocolate mixture which consisted of: cocoa beans, cocoa mixture, cocoa butter, sugar and, in some cases, milk. These ingredients are manufactured entirely in Switzerland so they are called "Swiss Chocolate''. However, any other processing outside of Switzerland, for example shaping or packaging of the product, are explicitly stated on the package.


AnGuSing 提到...

best sweet ever!

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